Friday 6 June 2014

caramel custard recipe in pressure cooker

Ingredients :

Milk - 500 ml
Egg - 2
Sugar - 10 tsp + 3 tsp of sugar for caramel
Vanilla Essence -  1/2 tsp

Preparation :

To Prepare Caramel :
  • Take a dry pan, add 3 tsp of sugar and 1 tsp of water in slow flame, It will start melting.
  • Wait until its turn slightly brown.
  • Pour the sugar syrup into moulds or ramekins immediately, so that  it spreads evenly over the base of the moulds.   
Prepare Vanilla Pudding Using Pressure cooker
  • Mix the 10 tablespoon of sugar with milk and boil for 5 minutes. Then keep it aside to become cool.
  • Beat the egg very well together with vanilla essence.
  • Pour the cold milk into beated egg and mix it well.
  • Now pour the milk egg mixture into the prepared ramekins (moulds).

  • In a pressure cooker, add enough water and keep ramekins inside.
  • Close the pressure cooker with lid and remove the weight from the pressure cooker lid.
  • Cook it in low flame for 20 - 30 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes open the lid and test the center of the caramel pudding with a knife. If the knife comes out clean, the pudding is done otherwise you will have to cook for some more time.
  • Take the pudding out of the cooker and keep it aside to become cool.
  • After some time keep it in refrigerate for an hour.
  • When you want to serve, Get it from refrigerator turn it upside down into a plate then serve it nicely.